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Improve velocity by enhancing these muscles

A study by Dr. Fleisig with ASMI showed that the biggest differences in body speeds between a slow throwing group and fast throwing group was the internal rotation speeds of the arm and shoulder as well as the speed of elbow extension in the throwing arm. Internal rotation starts from when the arm is in the lay back phase all the way to ball release as pictured below. The faster throwing group moved their arms quicker during that phase than the slower throwers. Elbow extension is when your throwing arm goes from being bent to extended near the release of the ball. The faster throwers arms got in to extension faster.

Having efficient and powerful mechanics can enhance the speed of these two important mechanical components, however this article will talk about what muscles effect the movements and how to strengthen and develop power in these muscles that are needed. Now, in order to create power you must have (speed x strength = power). With these exercises listed below you can either use these exercises to enhance the speed of these muscles or enhance the the strength of these muscles. To develop speed you would generally pick a more moderate weight and try to move it at a high speed, but to develop strength you would pick a much heavier weight. However, during strength building you still want to move the weight as fast as possible even though it will be very tough to move it at a high speed.

The well-known muscles that are responsible for internally rotating the shoulder (from lay back to ball release) are the Pectoralis Major, Deltoid, Subscapularis, Teres Major, and Latissimus Dorsi.

The pectoralis major or also known as the pec is pictured below. The main exercises for throwers to strengthen this muscle are pushups, weighted pushups, and dumbbell floor press.

The anterior deltoid is pictured below. The main exercises for this muscle are pushups, weighted pushups, or landmine press.

The subscapularis is pictured below. The main exercises for this muscle are internal rotation work with a therapy band or using a cable.

The teres major is pictured below. The main exercises for this muscle are pull ups and straight arm pull downs.

The latissimus dorsi is pictured below. The main exercises for this muscle are pull ups, chin ups, and lat pull downs. I like lat pull downs the most for throwers because it is less stress on the elbow.

To Improve elbow extension speeds improving tricep strength and power can help. The tricep muscle is pictured below. The main exercises that are best for throwers to use would be pushups with band resistance, tricep pushdown, or med ball lying press.

For any questions or comments about this article or questions about any of the exercises listed in this article you can e-mail us at

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